Thursday, January 4, 2018

Countdown to Bermuda: Taper Time - A Time for Reflection

I had a most remarkable day yesterday. Since I decided to immerse myself in my healing journey during the 2nd half of 2017 and for 2018, I joined Dr. Joe Dispenza's Teleclass Calls. It was supposed to happen last Thursday. There was technical difficulty and the call had to be rescheduled. Last Thursday right before the call I discovered a leak in my basement so my full attention wasn't focused on the call. I decided that I would wait to ask my question of Dr. Joe since it was a full hour of Q & A. When the call was rescheduled I went about addressing the leak.

Side bar - The leak was a result of our dishwasher. The old linoleum floor that I'd been wanting to replace is now going to need to be replaced and the insurance money will pay for it. We probably won't even have a deductible since our insurance company will ask the maker of the dishwasher to reimburse them for damages. That's how I co-created kitchen renovations with the Divine.

I began to imagine connecting with Dr. Joe and asking about what was happening to me in my recent meditations using Blessing of the Energy Centers wondering if other students experienced it and what might account for the phenomenon.

This morning on Facebook, this blog post came up in my memory feed from 2 years ago.

One of my favorite quotes is a part of this blog:

It took me back to taper time for Bermuda Half Marathon 2016 which was my first endurance race after the 2009 Boston Marathon.

It reflected on how I came to know the work of Dr. Joe and how, despite all outward appearances, I would not quit on my healing journey.

I had thought a lot about asking Dr. Joe my question and then just turning it over to the Universe.

I was on several calls yesterday with contractors and the insurance adjuster, one of which took me right up to the time of the teleclass. I dialed in and took a deep breath settling down to focus my attention on the call.

After Adam welcomed us to the call I hit "1" signaling I had a question for Dr. Joe.

I was the first person he called on.

What followed was a mystical experience for me as Dr. Joe talked about what he's seen through the years when his students meditate but more important than the phenomenon is my intention during the meditation. His compassion warmed my heart and soul. He made some suggestions for me that I took with me into my evening meditation.

After our Blessing of the Energy Centers meditation, I tried to fall asleep but instead fell into another meditation. It was life changing for me. I have no idea of the sequence of events because I was in the quantum field but I found myself crying, I'm free. I'm free. I'm free. Energy shifted, awareness came pouring through me. I felt a powerful connection to Dr. Joe healing his spinal cord after his accident.

I tried to fall asleep but I was too energized and exhilarated by what had happened. I journaled about the experience.

Suddenly the fact that I am running the Bermuda Half Marathon a week from Sunday paled in comparison to who I am becoming in my life. I am breaking free from my past, co-creating healing with the Divine Mind and opening up to so many possibilities for the highest good. I am letting people know what's possible when you open your heart and your mind and surrender. I've lived through horrific conditions and I've learned from Dr. Joe that it is more important to invest in your future than continue to relive your past.

I'm enjoying this taper time to reflect on my journey healing the effects of paralytic polio and trauma. It's a lot of work and takes dedication, commitment and passion. The results are so worth it as I get myself together mind, body and soul for Team McManus' triumphant comeback endurance race, the Bermuda Half Marathon on 1/14/18.

To going the distance with strength and courage!
From my heart to yours,

Proud to be a part of Friends of Blue Diamond Athletic Displays, Inc.

Be sure to visit my website by following this link.

My books are available on Amazon.

Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life

Coming Home: A Memoir of Healing Hope and Possibility that chronicles the first 7 years of my healing journey:

And my latest and greatest book - Going the Distance: The Power of Endurance (With a Foreword by Jacqueline Hansen):

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