Sunday, May 29, 2016

Blogger Spotlight: Michelle Kennis and her NYC Marathon Run for Tuesday's Children

On November 6, 2016, Michelle Kennis

will be toeing the line of the New York City Marathon. She has a dream of running the 6 World Major Marathons. She has run Boston and Chicago and tried to enter New York City through the lottery system. Rather than wait to get in via the lottery, Michelle applied to 3 charities, all of whom said yes. In the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks and Sandy Hook as well as her own traumatic experience in Boston on 4/15/13, Michelle chose Tuesday's Children, a non profit established after 9/11 to care for communities impacted by terrorism and traumatic loss. From their website, "In partnership with experts from around the world and in collaboration with renowned facilitators and mental health professionals, Tuesday’s Children serves communities altered by an act of violence." They are an organization with an almost 15 year track record of helping communities and individuals heal in the wake of violence and are passionate and dedicated to addressing the needs for long term healing using ongoing program development and research to meet the long term community and individual needs of those affected by traumatic events.

From Michelle's fund raising page:

I am very excited to announce that I will be running the 2016 TCS NYC Marathon on November 6th! I have made the choice to raise funds for a charity whose mission is near and dear to my heart. I am running for Tuesday's Children which was formed in the aftermath of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, Tuesday's Children is a response and recovery organization that supports youth, families, and communities impacted by terrorism and traumatic loss.

After running my first marathon in Boston 2013 and not being able to finish due to acts of terror, it is my mission to help those who are impacted with traumatic events. I saw first hand how this event impacted so many lives including those who saw the raw scenes, those who were running, those who were watching, those tracking a runner and everyone worldwide. My family needed resources after what they went through while waiting for me at the finish line and Tuesday's Children is an organization that offers such vital services.

Please consider helping me on my mission of raising funds and awareness of this organization that has helped those cope with the unimaginable and unified those from all walks of life to help support one another. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Spread the love, peace and support.

As Michelle explained to me when we met to talk about her passion to fund raise for Tuesday's Children, in addition to providing services to those impacted by traumatic events including emergency responders, they work to diminish violence and hate through prevention programs that build bridges of understanding and promote healing rather than feelings of estrangement and anger which can so often happen in the wake of a terrorist act.

Michelle has run several marathons and she will go the 26.2 distance through the 5 New York City boroughs on November 6th. The weather won't matter to her as she proved when she ran the 2015 Boston Marathon through cold rain and wind:

And she will go the distance to raise money for Tuesday's Children but she can't go it alone. She needs your help!

Please donate whatever you can to support Michelle's New York City Marathon run on 11/6 by following this link to her donation page.

To your health and wellness,