Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Celebrating Ten Years of Running: Celebrating Freedom!

Facebook reminded me that it was 3 years ago yesterday that I ran my comeback race, The Finish at the 50 at Gillette Stadium. Here are a selection of photos for that memorable day for me:

What was the big deal about running a 5K? I'd run 10K's, a half marathon and the Boston Marathon?

In December of 2014, I suffered a serious knee injury. The MRI revealed a whole host of issues that were interpreted as the need for me to stop running and the need for me to have a total knee replacement in a few years.

I experienced the physical therapist from hell which was a redirection for me away from Western Medicine and to take the power of healing into my own hands. I worked with a chiropractor who inspired me with his passion for the body's innate capacity to heal and introduced me to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. With kinesiotaping, meditation, immersing myself in works of authors who professed the body's ability to heal by harnessing the mind/body connection and going forth with a new training plan that included cross training, I got back on the roads.

I knew I was going to set goals not limits to quote Dave McGillivray but had no idea that at my comeback race I would set a new goal for myself; one that I took off my bucket list because I didn't believe I could achieve it: Bermuda Marathon Weekend.

We had always skirted by the Bermuda Marathon Weekend booth at race expos since the death of my nephew by suicide in March 2011. But something beckoned us to chat with Anthony and Clarence at their booth on 7/3/15. Happy memories of time spent in Bermuda came flooding back along with the last time I visited Bermuda in a toe up leg brace, using a cane and a wheelchair to navigate the airports for mobility.

I celebrated my independence by making our travel arrangements and signing up for the Bermuda Half Marathon on July 4th. I went on to run 3 consecutive Bermuda Half Marathons.

I refused to listen to the doctors and the naysayers in my life. I dug deep to find the courage and strength to liberate myself from the shackles of my past and to position myself to heal the hurts that wounded me mind, body and soul.

It's been an in incredible journey. What a joy, on this Independence Day to celebrate ten years of running and independence!

Let freedom ring!

From my heart to yours,
To your health and wellness,

Proud to be a part of Friends of Blue Diamond Athletic Displays, Inc.

Be sure to visit my website by following this link.

My books are available on Amazon.

Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life

Coming Home: A Memoir of Healing Hope and Possibility that chronicles the first 7 years of my healing journey:

Going the Distance: The Power of Endurance (With a Foreword by Jacqueline Hansen):

Coming soon *** The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953 ****

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