Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thankful Thursday - I am so grateful for what this body can do!

When I first hired a personal trainer in October of 2007 after being discharged from outpatient rehabilitation treatment for the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, I wondered out loud with Janine if there was anything more we could do. She told me that I was too young to not be able to get off of a toilet seat without assistance or to be able to independently get off of the couch. She said that my body's limitations were the limitations she'd expect to see in a 75 year old - not a 53 year old! She answered my question with a Henry Ford quote, 'Whether you think you can or you think you can't you're right."

I couldn't pass the initial fitness assessment but Janine was determined to work with me. At our first training session she said, "Let's see what this body can do!"

I am SO grateful for what this body has done and continues to do.

I'm writing "The Adventures of Runnergirl1953" taking a look back at my 10 years of running and sharing my story of resilience, courage, strength, trials and tribulations and triumphs. There are treasured moments and memories from numerous races throughout the years that I am excited to share with you in my latest book.

My 3rd Bermuda Half Marathon in as many years took quite a toll on me. I am recovering well and, throughout moments of every day I give thanks to my body for what I can do. The pain in my back and muscle spasms have resolved. I celebrate being able to put something in the trash barrel, making the bed or even sitting comfortably in a chair and I am grateful for what this body can do.

The pain in my hip and groin area is resolving.

During yesterday's chiropractic treatment with Dr. Lizzie Sobel Dr. Lizzie pointed out how the pain in our bodies makes the loudest noise. We agreed that we need to turn up the volume on all that our bodies can do through the practice of gratitude!

Rather than keeping my attention focused on the pain in my hip and groin area, I give thanks and celebrate how the pain is lessening and doing a body scan for ALL the areas of my body where there is no pain and for all that functions so well as I go about my day.

My body gave me 5 fabulous workouts this week. My body enables me to get up in the morning, put my feet on the floor, stretch, go down the stairs, empty the dishwasher (without back pain!) and so much more.

One of the first poems I wrote was called The Gift of Polio:

The Gift of Polio
Thank you God for the gift of polio that brought me so close to you
while paralyzed I saw your face no matter what I’d do
Many wonderful healers you sent them to me at age 5
perseverance and triumph life’s lessons learned
but my Spirit could not yet thrive.

At age 53 the gift was sent to me a second time
having time to sit and feel to heal I started to rhyme.
The second time felt worse than the first
yet your love and wisdom I found
out of pain and weakness and fatigue a remarkable spirit rebound.

Reliving all the trauma of special shoes and such
I discovered remarkable healers who brought a loving touch.
I had no clue I had such strength and the ability to grow
no matter what the outcome deep gratitude I show.

This gift so precious I live a new life gratitude flows from me
my heart and soul are filled with grace each day’s a gift from thee.

Contracting polio, enduring 9 years of violence as a child, and then receiving the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome were blessings and gifts in my life. I would not have become the woman I am today without these gifts and I certainly would not have the appreciation and gratitude for what this body can do! In all likelihood I would take movement and freedom from pain for granted and perhaps focus even more on the aches and pains that are inevitably a part of life.

Instead I am so grateful for my healing over these past 11 years and am so deeply grateful for all that this body CAN do!

To your health and wellness
From my heart to yours,

Proud to be a part of Friends of Blue Diamond Athletic Displays, Inc. Be sure to visit us at Booth 758 during Boston Marathon Weekend.

Be sure to visit my website by following this link.

My books are available on Amazon.

Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life

Coming Home: A Memoir of Healing Hope and Possibility that chronicles the first 7 years of my healing journey:

And my latest and greatest book - Going the Distance: The Power of Endurance (With a Foreword by Jacqueline Hansen):

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