Friday, September 1, 2017

Going the Distance: The Summer of 2017 - A Look Back and a Look to the Future!

Here in New England, we bookend the summer season with Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends. What a summer of change it has been in my life and in the life of Team McManus. With Labor Day weekend upon us, it's a great time for me to take a look back - and a look to the future!

The trio of Team McManus was reunited for a Hyannis race adventure on Olde Cape Cod. As I wrote about in A Blessing in Disguise:Color Me Calm, our daughter Ruth Anne is living with us while she recovers from severe depression and PTSD. We are so blessed she loves running as much as we do.

We had so much to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend. We had a phenomenal race day together, marked the beginning of a new decade of healing for me from the effects of paralytic polio and trauma and the beginning of Ruth Anne's healing!

Here are the highlights:
Doing touristy things along Main Street Hyannis:

Bib pick up and pre-race dinner:

A very special father/daughter moment and Team McManus out for an evening walk on the beach:

Before the race and with our bling:

After Hyannis, we built our base miles and have been slowly building our miles on the road to Bermuda Marathon Weekend.

I declared my independence from working with Jeffrey Spratt, LMT and Spratt Muscular Therapies. I realized that my relationship with Jeff to try to help his business grow and working in the treatment room with him was no longer serving me. It was around July 4th that I finally let go as I wrote about in Training for a Threepeat:Changing Things up a Bit.

The Universe continues to shower me with grace and affirmations that my decision was absolutely the right decision. Team McManus has everything we need to go the distance!

We've been spending lazy summer evenings working on an 1000 piece puzzle. It's quite remarkable to see it come together. It's a wonderful metaphor for running and for life. You build slowly and then there's a powerful momentum that happens and confidence and joy as it all comes together.

What's next?

We are excited to take a Sunday off from cross training on September 17th and head to Martha's Vineyard for the Tivoli Festival. We haven't been there in years and it will be a wonderful way to transition to Fall.

We will continue to build miles and embrace the change of seasons as it unfolds before our very eyes on our training runs.

We will finish our puzzle and start a new one enjoying tea and cocoa as the evening sun sets earlier and earlier.

We'll continue to end our day with what we are grateful for and the Rest and Renew Meditationn by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

It's going to be an incredible blessing to celebrate the holidays this year - together - as a family healing together moving forward and looking forward to January when we will embark on a Team McManus Bermuda adventure!

It may be time to get ready to say goodbye to summer 2017 but Team McManus is ready to enjoy the journey of every season going the distance!

Go the distance with strength and courage!

Be sure to visit my website by following this link.

My books are available on Amazon.

Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life

Coming Home: A Memoir of Healing Hope and Possibility that chronicles the first 7 years of my healing journey:

And my latest and greatest book - Going the Distance: The Power of Endurance (With a Foreword by Jacqueline Hansen):

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