Last week presented many challenges and I found myself in high stress situations. Of course we all know that it's not about the events themselves but how we respond to them. I meditated on peace, equanimity and balance, saying the serenity prayer over and over again. Yet it was difficult for me to get ahead of my feelings and, as always happens with stress, I felt it in my body on Thursday and Friday.
A myriad of physical symptoms surfaced and I knew I needed to take charge of myself.
I returned to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and rededicated myself to my healing journey with a passion knowing that I have marked a major milestone -- 10 years -- in my healing journey and I'm training for my 3rd consecutive Bermuda Half Marathon.
I reminded myself that I AM the placebo. My beloved friend, healer and chiropractor, Dr. Ryan sent me this photo early on in our work together in March of 2015. I have it posted on my refrigerator:
I read Candace Pert's book, "Everything you need to know to feel Go(o)d":
Throughout the book, Candace, known to her fans as the "Goddess of Neuroscience" and a major contributor to the field of mind/body medicine, talks about how we talk to our bodies influences our bodies at the cellular level. She just happened to give the example of what happens if you've had a knee injury. You experience pain and your first thought can either be, "Oh no. I am injured again." OR "I love how my body is healing. I can embrace this pain as a sign of healing."
At the end of the book, Candace writes, "Trust. Breathe. Let go. God is in control."
In her Epilogue, she reflects on fear.
"The root of fear, I concluded, is more about being alone, feeling unconnected to others and not realizing that we're all one. As my long-term massage therapist Adam Helfer poetically put it, 'If you're connected to the divine, you'll always feel fine.' Adam had also told me he thought the best universal advice to 'feel good' is to remain in the present moment as much is possible.'"
Throughout my healing journey I have called upon the power of Divine Intelligence that is within and around me. When I first set out on my journey, I imagined God as my master electrician helping me to rewire my body in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma. I harnessed the power of my imagination thinking beyond my circumstances of having a diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease using a leg brace, a cane and a wheelchair at times for mobility.
I have documented my journey through poetry and in two memoirs (see below) sharing how the power of my imagination and harnessing the teachings of Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Joe, Candace Pert, and What the bleep do we know helped me to transform my physical state and alter the course of my diagnosis.
Since last Friday I have given myself more time for meditation going deep into that space that Dr. Dispenza notes is where we are able to create our physical, mental and spiritual reality.
I dismiss thoughts of injury and bathe myself with healing light knowing in every fiber of my being that I am and continue to heal from the effects of paralytic polio and trauma.
The road I have chosen is a difficult road. I could have easily succumbed to my diagnosis and my beliefs that were so deeply ingrained in mind, body and soul.
I experience so much joy when I am able to experience my power of self-healing; to transcend ingrained beliefs, move beyond habitual responses and open my heart and soul to feelings of gratitude for my strength, my courage and willingness to partner with the Divine to go the distance. The joy is in the journey and there is so much joy in experiencing and bearing witness to the miracle of healing in my life.
To going the distance with strength and courage!
Be sure to visit my website by following this link.
My books are available on Amazon.
Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life
Coming Home: A Memoir of Healing Hope and Possibility that chronicles the first 7 years of my healing journey:
And my latest and greatest book - Going the Distance: The Power of Endurance (With a Foreword by Jacqueline Hansen):
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